January 9, 2020

Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought also to love one another...
1 John 4:11

 I am blogging through January my considerations for a healthy and happier 2020; and today love and compassion are on my list of resolutions. I know there are many lists about finding love by giving love so I thought I would share some of mine.

  1. Rescue an animal-donate money or time to shelters or take home one or two
  2. Actually call a friend or family member-and say I love you
  3. Use the post office-send birthday, thinking of you cards or a care package to a loved one
  4. Spend time-with the needy, seniors, Big Brothers Big Sisters program, or other Volunteer agencies
  5. Donate through an established ministry- for a child, a family, or a community 

Please share any resolutions you have for purposefully providing love and compassion to others.


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