DIY Fruit Wash

Over the holidays I was gifted with a fresh, organic fruit basket. I have just been taking a piece of fruit from the bowl and  rinsing it under the faucet. I know any fruit should be washed before eating, even if organic because, it can become contaminated with harmful bacteria where it is packaged, sold, or in your own home.  

Scrubbing with a vegetable brush under running water does some dirt and bacteria; but, I have been skipping even the brush.

The directions following are for an economical  fruit wash  that uses  a ratio of water to vinegar at 3 cups to 1.
  •  Add 1 Tablespoon salt and  4 drops of Lemon Essential Oil. This diluted vinegar rinse  removes 98% of the bacteria.


  •        Soak washed fruits and vegetables for 10-15 minutes.
  •        Rinse well.

Researchers at the Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences at Tennessee State University tested dilute vinegar against plain water and a commercial product that they purchased at a grocery store.
"We really did not really find the veggie washes effective or necessary," says Sandria Godwin, who oversaw the project.


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