Closet Stockpile Moving Again

Let them gather all the food of those good years that come...and that food shall be for store ...that the land perish not through famine. Genesis 41:35-36

Organic wholefoods sealed in the Keys

When I moved to Paradise with Willie he inspired me to begin storing food. I filled every little shelf with food preps. Then, I  began a new adventure in the Orlando area so the food was boxed up and moved.  Once here, I have continued to purchase and store whole organic food items.

Beans and peas

I always write the shelf life date on the package so I can see it easily.  ( Once I open my raw foods I store them in the refrigerator or glass containers to prevent them from becoming rancid.) But, there is a limit to how many food preps the Organic Gamma family can use.

Beans from the Keys

See, I still have many of the preps I brought from the Keys.

Nuts above and berries

Now, I am going to move my preps again.  Maybe, I should use what I have for the next few years; because, as you can see food storage has moved into the hall closet.

Hall closet with prep overflow

Emergency food storage

I think I might have a prepping problem.


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