Hand Soap aka Remember to Wash Your Hands

Exercise comes in many forms; jogging, sit ups, push ups, and yoga.  All activities I plan on doing soon.  But, the exercise Organic Gamma and her family are best at is chewing.

Butterscotch excels in speed chewing.


It is gourmet chewing at Jenny Wren's house.

And sometimes even foodies chew fast.
But, before we sit down to a good meal I always remind my organic family to wash their hands.
(The importance of hand washing can be found here as well as other important hand washing tips.)
I  would like to share my favorite basic hand soap that I make using  water, castile soap, vegetable glycerin, and essential oils.
1 cup water
3 Tablespoon castile soap
1 Tablespoon glycerin
50 drops essential oil (I use Germ Fighter from Plant Therapy)

Once this soap is mixed together in a glass measuring cup, I pour it into a recycled hand foaming soap bottle. It foams nicely, smells great, leaves your hands soft and best of all fights germs. Like any good product it must have a name and I label it -Remember to Wash Your Hands Soap. 


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