Homemade Vanilla Much More Than An Extract

In my childhood home, vanilla was that little brown bottle in the back of the kitchen cabinet used  occasionally in dessert making; but being the adventuresome child that I was, I dug through all the cans and boxes and opened that bottle. The sweet smell of vanilla captured me.  Aromatherapy-who had heard of that?  I began putting vanilla in all kinds of things: pancake mixes, boxed cakes, instant tapioca pudding (remember I was a child of the Betty Crocker era) and my mom wondered at the empty vanilla bottle or in my case imitation vanilla bottle.

Now I make my own Vanilla Extract
  • 1 glass bottle Vodka (750ml-80proof)  
  • 12 vanilla beans
  • That's it- no strange and unusual ingredients needed to make this wonderful extract.
  1. Remove about 1/2 cup of the vodka from the bottle
  2. Place cut vanilla beans in the bottle . Most recipes call for using a knife to open the vanilla pods, I use my kitchen shears and just cut the pods into one inch pieces and then add another little snip up the side. ( I have found this method quicker for me.)
  3. Give the bottle a shake -put the lid on tightly  first 
  4. Store in a dark place, shaking when you think about it for at least 6 to twelve weeks
Once the extract is finished, you can strain and re-bottle it for Christmas gifts.
I keep the beans in the vanilla extract bottle in my cabinet but those I strained out from the gift bottles I put into a cup of raw sugar- once they were dry.  The vanilla left in the used beans was still strong enough to enhance the sugar and 4 weeks later I had vanilla sugar.

Homemade Vanilla Sugar Scrub
  • 1 cup homemade vanilla sugar (vanilla pieces removed)
  • 1 Tablespoon almond oil (or another oil because of nut allergies)
  • 1/2 teaspoon of homemade vanilla extract
  • That's it
  1. Place the vanilla sugar in a mixing bowl.
  2. Add almond oil and mix
  3. Add 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract mix
  4. Place in container

Since I am using this as a gift I cut out a circle of Christmas fabric and added that under the lid.

 This wonderful scrub makes the skin so soft and the smell of the vanilla is definitely a way to calm stress during this hectic time of the year.


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